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How the IBM i Migration Process Works
Easy steps to host application in the Cloud
1Save Application
Create save file(s) with your IBM i application, objects, data and sources. Then send to MCS.
2Extract Application
MCS tools extract the application architecture.
3Rebuild Application
Use the application architecture to rebuild the objects into native Linux objects.
4Test Application
User, system and acceptance testing using an interim dataset restored into MySQL.
5Create And Deploy
Create a production sized system and restore tested application.
6Go Live
Final step with Change Control to restore the production data for System Go.
What architecture does a migrated application have?
Many are interested to know what the application architecture is after a migration
It runs like it did on IBM i
MCS system supports a similar architecture to IBM i, so we have jobs, subsystems, job descriptions, message queues, job queues, data areas and data queues.
All the support for your application is there already.
The application runs in a container.
Containers provide a way to encapsulate the application along with operating system, configuration and dependencies within a single object.
It can be copied, made into image, sized up or down. It can also work with other containers for provision of other services like database through RDS.
Cloud access and security
MCS works with Cloud providers in best practice for securing the application and container access. This starts with securing code and build pipeline. The build pipeline itself will then perform static and dynamic security checks on the application and container.
Access is normally through a VPN secured network. The application and data are separated both for security and performance where sizing of the database is separate from scaling of the application.
High Availability / Disaster Recovery
Deployment to a cloud infrastructure can bring many benefits in the high availability/disaster recovery scenario. The application container can be setup as active passive across availability zones.
In addition, the database redundancy inherent with RDS type providers and load balancing access with system monitoring will reduce any downtime from network loss or other serious issues.
Reach out today if you want to know more.
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